"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Nov. 30-Dec. 4


Welcome back 1A families!  We hope everyone had a restful Thanksgiving break.  This week all students will be at-home distance learning beginning Monday, November 30th through Wednesday, December 2nd.  On-campus classes will resume on Thursday, December 3rd, as well as all guided practice for distance learners.

Please make sure to read the Echo and any emails from the school for important information.    

Spalding Monday - Wednesday: Practice of more difficult spelling words taught so far.
Spalding Thursday - Friday: Review of the words from the distance learning packet on Thursday and spelling test on Friday, December 4th.
Math Monday - Wednesday: Measurement (Length)
Math Thursday - Friday: Measurement and Comparing Numbers
History - Early Civilizations (Ice Age, Land Bridge, the Maya)
Literature Frog and Toad All Year 
*Note - If you scholar does not have Frog and Toad All Year here at school please make sure that he/she brings it to school on Thursday as we will begin reading it that day!
Grammar - Proper Nouns (Days of the Week), Pronouns 

Poetry – “Merry Sunshine” 

 *Note This is a reminder, as stated in all Archway Trivium E-mails, there is no live Zoom sessions on Monday - Wednesday.  Live contact times will start again on Thursday.  We will post the link for our class on the Google Classroom stream page.

This is just a reminder that all families (those who are currently distance learning AND those who are in-person) must complete the distance learning survey. 

Please make sure that your scholar's mask fits his/her face so that mouth and nose are covered.  
Please make sure that your scholar has extra masks in his/her backpack as they do get stretched, lost, and dirty.

Monday, November 30-Wednesday - 100% At-home Distance Learning for ALL students 
Friday, December 4 -  Picture Day for Distance Learners / Retake Day