Hello 1A Families! Our unit in Geometry has been so much fun for our scholars. Exploring with shapes and patterns has given them such a beautiful sense of wonder.
Thanksgiving approaches, we would like to say how thankful we are to all our families. With your partnership we have preserved
through all challenges. We wish you a
very joyous break with your family.
make sure to read the Echo and any emails from the school for important
Spalding - Students will learn 8 new words on Monday. The spelling
test is on Tuesday, November 24th.
Math – Comparing numbers
*Note - A "Friendly Notes" on the
comparing numbers unit is being sent home in the red homework folders.
Distance learners can find the friendly notes and copy of the textbook unit
under the parent resources topic in Google Classroom.
History- Review on Monday and test on Tuesday, November 24th.
Poetry - "Merry Sunshine" by Anonymous
morning, Merry Sunshine! How do you wake so soon?
You've scared all the stars away and shined away the moon.
I saw you go to sleep last night, before I ceased my playing.
How did you get way over there and where have you been staying?
I never go to sleep, dear Child, I just go round to see
My little children of the East who rise and watch for me.
I waken all the birds and bees and flowers on my way
And now come back to see the child who stayed out late to play.
As you have read in the district and
the school e-mails, Greats Hearts is doing distance learning for the first
three days of next week. The first grade team has been meeting and
working together to create at-home packets for those three days. The lessons
have been carefully selected and written. We are sending the packets home
today in students' red homework folders so that they have the packets available
to them for 11/30 - 12/2. These packets will also be uploaded to Google
Classroom next week for the distance learners. You should have received a separate
e-mail from me with more information about next week.
Please note the following items about
school uniforms-
1. Students must wear belts with their uniform
pants or shorts.
2. Shoes must be solid black or solid
white. Black shoes with white stripes or white soles must be covered with
black shoe polish
Wednesday, November 25-Friday,
November 27 - No School:
Thanksgiving Break
Monday, November 30-Wednesday, December
2 - 100% At-home Distance
Learning for ALL students
Reading of The Phantom Tollbooth daily
at 10am, Facebook
*Note - Please refer to the e-mails sent to
families from the district office and the school for information and rational
about the 11/30 - 12/2.
Friday, December 4 - Picture Day for Distance Learners /
Retake Day