"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."


Tuesday, December 15, 2020

Dec. 14-17

 First grade families, we hope that you had a wonderful weekend.  We are looking forward to our last week of the second quarter.  We are so proud of our scholar’s growth these past months and will be celebrating with a Frog and Toad Quarter Party on Thursday.

Monday is a full day of school.  Tuesday-Thursday are half days, release time of 12 PM. 

Please make sure to read the Echo and any emails from the school for important information.    

Spalding - Students will learn 8 new words on Monday and Tuesday, review the 16 words on Wednesday, and take the spelling test on Thursday. (*Note- Google Classroom will be arranged so that the distance learners will be able to take the spelling test on Thursday as well.)
Math - Cumulative  review
History - Early Civilizations unit review on Monday and the test will be on Tuesday.
Literature - Frog and Toad All Year

Please be on the lookout for further communication coming out later this week.

First grade will be having an in-classroom Frog and Toad Celebration this Thursday, December 17th. Students will get to decorate an "Ugly Swimsuit" for Toad as well as a couple of other coloring and puzzle activities.  

Distance learners can join our classroom for the art activities and are asked to bring a special snack to eat while we watch our Frog and Toad movies. This will be via zoom at 10:00 on Thursday. The craft activities will be under the Thursday, December 17th topic.  The zoom link will be posted on the Google Classroom stream page. 

For those families opting for distance learning during the second semester, please look for some critical information coming out this upcoming Monday.  Mr. Philabaum will still continue to be in touch with you all via email next week, but this introductory communication from the director of the distance learning program will be very helpful in preparing us all for the next steps ahead.


Daily, Monday-Friday-Morning Assembly on Facebook Live 7:40 AM

December 2-11-PSO Snowstorm

December 5-13- Barnes and Noble Book Fair

December 15-17-Half day dismissal- 12 PM

December 17-Spirit Day-All school assembly via Zoom, 8:30 AM

December 18-January 4, 2021-No school: Winter Break

December 25-Last Day to Order Spirit Wear