Greeting 1A,
I cannot believe we are half way through the school year. I was so excited to see everyone today. Last night I could not sleep. We talked about that today as a class. Many of my students said they felt the same way. We are preparing for lots of new and more rigorous learning this quarter. I am looing forward to the second half of the school year.
Please remember that tomorrow is a Wednesday and we get out at 1:00. Thursday and Friday are the normal 3:10 release times.
Second semester academics are more challenging. Books, discussions, and history journals are more detailed. In math we are now building on new concepts that were taught during the 3rd quarter. It is important that students are confident and knowledgeable with all 70 phonograms. Do not hesitate to e-mail me if you have questions or would like tips on how to support your scholar at home.
In order to allow time for your scholar to complete the history homework for project week, there will be no math or spelling homework. Xtramath is listed on the homework log. For this week only, Xtramath is optional.
Please make sure your scholar brings his/her Math Workbook 1B to school by this Friday, January 8th! Remember, the math workbook MUST say, "Primary Mathematics Workbook 1B - Common Core Edition" If it doesn't say all of those things on the cover it is not the correct workbook.
Spalding - Students will learn 5 new words on Tuesday and 5 new words on Wednesday. The 10-word review will be on Thursday and the spelling test will be on Friday. In order to allow time for you and your scholar to focus on project week assignments, the spelling homework which is usually sent to be completed at home will be completed in class. The words that students will be learning and then practicing in class are:
away, paper, put, each soon (Tuesday)
came, Sunday, show, Monday, moon (Wednesday)
Math - Looking at a graph and interpreting the information. There will be no math homework for this week. However, a "Friendly Notes" packet will be sent home in the red homework folders. Completing Xtramath is encouraged but not required for this week.
History - Project Week with the focus on the Ancient Egyptians.
Grammar - Nouns with a focus on ideas as nouns
Poetry - "My Shadow" by Robert Lewis Stevenson
*Note - The poem, "My Shadow" is a longer poem and includes four full stanzas. Instead of focusing on all four stanzas at once which can be intimidating, focus on only the first stanza this week. From my experiences over the last several years, I have found that when students focus on one stanza each week, they are able to memorize the poem with ease and confidence.
A parent letter, an example packet, and your scholar's assigned character was sent home in the red homework folders today. Please look over the parent letter and example packet carefully as it will give you the information needed for this week's history homework. It is important that that the history homework packet and example packet get sent back to school everyday as we are also using it in the classroom.