"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."


Monday, March 15, 2021

March 15-19


Welcome back!  We hope everyone had a wonderful spring break!  We are heading into the 4th quarter, the final stretch of the school year. 

Please make sure to read the Echo and any emails from the school for important information.    

It was announced in the Athenian Echo that report cards are available on the Power School Parent Portal.  We have also included a copy of your child’s report card in their red folder.  If you are having password trouble and are unable to log onto the portal please contact Mrs. Miller at CMiller@archwaytriviumeast.org. I have also included a paper copy of report cards in the red folders today.  You may keep this for your records and do not need to send it back. 

Back Pack Clean Out:

Please be sure to look through your child's backpacks periodically and clean out any old papers and trash.  This helps them stay organized and not bring back things to school that were supposed to be trashed or taken home.  I sent home old activity folders and old crayons today.  Please be sure these stay home or go in the trash. Thanks for helping with this. 

Quarter 4 Books:

Please send in any quarter four books that have not been turned in.  We have started Sam the Minuteman and still have several scholars who do not have this title.  I will email you personally if your child does not have this book. If you do not receive an email your child has a copy.

Other titles:

George the Drummer Boy

My Father's Dragon

Spalding - Students will learn 10 new words Monday - Wednesday.  The 30-word review is on Thursday along with the Phonogram Test and the Spelling Test is on Friday.
Math – Introduction to telling time and counting by tens to 100.  Math Test is Friday.

A "Friendly Notes" information page was placed in your scholar's red homework folder today.  
Literature / Writing / Grammar Sam the Minuteman
*Note - During 4th quarter, 1st grade grammar lessons are incorporated into the literature and writing lessons.
Science – Continue learning about habitats and food.  Habitat Quiz on Friday.

Poetry - "There Once was a Puffin" by Florence Page Jacques


Daily, Monday-Friday-Morning Assembly on Facebook Live 7:40 AM

Friday, March 12 – Quarter 3 Evaluations posted to Powerschool Parent Portal

Monday, March 15 – Deadline to order a Yearbook

Wednesday, March 17 – Teacher Birthday Celebration

Thursday, March 18 – PSO Night at Panda Express

Thursday, March 25 – The Great Gatsby parent seminar via Zoom

Friday, March 26 – Deadline for -4th re-enrollment in the GH Parent Portal