"Educating the mind without educating the heart is no education at all."


Tuesday, January 19, 2021

Jan. 19th-22

 Greetings 1A Families,

Thank you for your adaptability last week as we enforce protocol to prevent the spread of COVID 19 among the community.  If I have learned any new aspect of life  in a deeper way it would be perseverance and to that I would add patience, flexibility, and just letting it go...I would say this year has helped me learned these in deeper ways. I appreciate your on-going support as we continue to navigate through uncertain times and circumstances all the while doing our best to give our scholars stability, joy, safety, and the precious gift of learning.  

We continue to press forward each day and we continue to work diligently in our studies. We continue to pursue truth, goodness, and beauty as the season of life fortifies us and makes us stronger. 


-As stated in the family handbook, students must wear belts with uniform pants and shorts.
- First grade is now into Math workbook 1B.  If you scholar does not  have the workbook, please send it to school.  Please e-mail us and let us know if the book has been ordered and you are waiting for the arrival.

Spalding - Students will learn 8 new words on Tuesday and Wednesday.  The 16-word review is  on Thursday and the spelling test is on Friday.
Math - Numbers within 40 with a focus on Number Sense.  This is a large unit.  The concepts taught are no longer being built on review concepts from kindergarten.  the concepts taught are now building on what was taught during the "Numbers to 20" unit at the beginning of second quarter. 
Science - Human body systems
Literature - "The Tale of Benjamin Bunny"
- Five parts of a sentence
Grammar - Nouns, pronouns and verbs
Poetry - "My Shadow" by Robert Lewis Stevenson
*Note - By now your scholar should have at least the first two stanzas completely memorized.  This week be sure to focus on the 3rd stanza and begin to be familiar with the fourth stanza.
- You can always find the current poem on the homework logs each week.


A few general tips are listed as follows:
- A "Friendly Notes" information packet was placed in your child's red homework folder today. The "Friendly Notes" give general information and steps that are taught in the classroom.  Use it as a guide when helping with homework.
- Look over your scholar's workbook pages.  If you notice mistakes or a particular page in which your scholar struggled and they did not have time to correct them in class, work with them to correct their mistakes.
- Look over the weekly math quiz that goes home in the blue folders each week.
- Keep workbook 1A (which I will send home Friday).  Since the math concepts do build on each other, use it as a review and extra practice. 
If you have specific questions please e-mail me. 

Friday, January 22 - Trivium Spirit Day 
Wednesday, January 27 - PSO Night at Chipotle Goodyear, 4-8 PM
Wednesday, February 3 - PSO Night at Papa Murphy's Pizza (Dysart Rd), 10 AM-8 PM
Friday, February 5 - Half Day Dismissal - 12 PM, Trivium Spirit Day